Introducing Dandi AI for HR Data

Team DandiMay 22nd, 2024

We’re rolling out generative AI report summaries and chat. But that’s just part of the story.

Chat between a Dandi customer and Dandi's AI chat assistant. The customer asks "What is our retention like" and the chat responds with the company-wide attrition rate as of March 2024.

Dandi AI goes beyond just fetching data; it can predict follow-up questions, compare data across different reports, and incorporate data into new analyses.

Dandi is launching a powerful new set of AI features that will save countless hours on reporting, unlock powerful new insights, and transform how people teams work with data.

We know, we know. Another day, another AI announcement. Big deal. But hear us out: this isn’t just “another” set of AI features.

At Dandi, we’ve been building to this moment for years. Everything from the way we structure data to the technical infrastructure we’ve built has been done with a key vision in mind: to make Dandi a truly AI-native workplace intelligence platform.

Read on to learn what we’re building, how we’re building it, and why it all matters.

Report summaries: Weeks of work, done in seconds

Starting in a few weeks, customers will have access to Dandi’s AI-generated report summaries. 

When viewing a report or dashboard, a new “Generate Insights” icon now appears in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Clicking the icon instantly produces a summary.

Dandi AI-generated summary of a report titled "Retention by Department." The summary highlights the departments with the overall highest rates of retention, and also shows underlying hiring trends at the company.
Dandi AI can summarize individual reports, or create an overall synopsis of multiple reports housed in a dashboard.

You can then edit the summary and save it to a corresponding report or dashboard. Once saved, a smiley icon indicates that the summary was AI-generated. The summary can quickly be re-generated to account for new data as it becomes available. 

A Dandi AI-generated report summary is pinned to a dashboard titled "Company Overview." The summary explains overall retention trends across different company departments. The Dandi smiley face icon appears alongside the summary, indicating that it was AI-generated.
Summaries generated by Dandi will be indicated with a smiley face icon, making it clear when something is AI-generated.

Why report summaries matter

It takes a lot of time to manually generate report summaries. 

At one Dandi customer, a full-time analyst spent three weeks summarizing the data for a single executive report. For businesses everywhere this type of slow, expensive data work is the rule—not the exception. Dandi AI will drastically reduce the time that goes into building data narratives, enabling teams to focus instead on more strategic work.

Manually-generated report summaries are also prone to error and inconsistency. Dandi AI summaries create a clear, consistent framework for interpreting and understanding data, giving customers a more reliable basis for decision-making.

Dandi AI creates a clear, consistent framework for interpreting and understanding data.

AI chat: Answer your most complex people questions

In July, we’ll roll out AI chat, enabling customers to ask questions and get answers about their data. 

Chat between a Dandi customer and Dandi's AI chat assistant. The customer asks "What is our retention like" and the chat responds with the company-wide attrition rate as of March 2024.
Once live, Dandi chat will enable customers to get answers about past data, future trends, and more.

Dandi chat makes complex data analysis simple. You can query past employee numbers or predict future trends based on years of data. You can chat to compare your company's statistics with industry standards like the EEOC-1. Dandi chat can also analyze multiple data points to reveal insights, such as examining the relationship between gender representation and attrition rates over several years. 

Initially, chat will focus on answering queries. Planned future updates include creating dashboards and setting goals via chat.

Why chat matters

“What's the risk of not increasing pay?" 

“How do we compare to our competitors?"

In boardrooms and strategy sessions, these are the questions people leaders face every day. It used to take weeks—or more—for analysts to run the data. And now Dandi chat can answer questions like these the moment they arise.

Chat makes complex data easy to use, freeing people teams to bring a truly data-driven approach to every decision.

Dandi AI makes complex data easy to use.

Privacy and security

AI raises a host of important questions about data security and privacy. At Dandi, security has been core to our product since day 1. The same is true as we’ve implemented AI across the platform.

Intelligent access controls

Our powerful roles & permissions controls are embedded into our AI, ensuring that customers have complete control over how other team members interact with data via AI. If someone does not have permission to view compensation data in Dandi, our AI won’t answer their compensation questions.

Chat between a Dandi customer and Dandi's AI chat assistant showcasing how the AI incorporates Dandi's roles & permissions controls. The customer asks to view comp trends in the marketing department, and the AI politely declines to show the data because the customer does not the required data access permissions.
Our roles & permissions controls give customers complete control over how other team members interact with data via AI.

We don’t train our AI on your HR data

One of the biggest obstacles to AI adoption in HR is how AI models are trained. Companies are rightly skeptical of turning over their most sensitive information to any platform that intends to use the data for training purposes.

That’s why we built Dandi AI to put the privacy of our customers’ data first. Our models are not trained on any of our clients' HR data nor are they reinforced with any client information. Further, each instance of Dandi AI is specific to a customer’s account. This means that the AI in Customer A’s account has no awareness of the data in Customer B’s account, or vice versa.

Our models are not trained on any of our clients' HR data nor are they reinforced with any client information.

Dandi is AI-native

AI is not a nice add-on feature for Dandi. It is not a third-party integration. It is native to our platform.

Dandi is AI-native because it can instantly make sense of your data in relation to any questions you ask, across all areas of the system, without prior training on your particular data. This allows us to unlock unique AI capabilities across our platform.

Faster calculations

Dandi stands out from other AI tools by excelling in mathematical calculations. By utilizing over 10 million pre-processed metrics per customer, Dandi reduces the complexity of calculations needed, leading to quicker and more precise answers.

More efficient, more accurate data retrieval

Dandi enhances data retrieval by attaching extensive natural language tags to all pre-processed reports. This allows the AI to quickly and accurately find the right data, reducing the chances of errors.

Increased intelligence and versatility

Dandi goes beyond just fetching data; it can predict follow-up questions, compare data across different reports, and incorporate data into new analyses. This capability makes Dandi more versatile than typical AI tools that are only capable of retrieving data points.

Dandi AI goes beyond just fetching data; it can predict follow-up questions, compare data across different reports, and incorporate data into new analyses.

More to come

AI represents a massive technological shift and everyone—us included—is still in the very early days of understanding how it will transform our world. 

Nevertheless, it is already clear that AI will quickly become integral to the way people teams use and learn from data. At Dandi, we believe our AI-native capabilities, combined with our world-class design and security, make us uniquely positioned to lead in this area.

We are thrilled with the progress we’ve already made, and look forward to sharing more.

Want to see Dandi AI for yourself? Book a call with our team to experience true AI-native analytics.